DeNovo Energy
Established in 2015, DeNovo is Proman’s upstream operating company focused on monetizing proven natural gas reserves for use in the energy sector in Trinidad and Tobago. As our first foray into hydrocarbon extraction in Trinidad and Tobago, DeNovo is an integral part of Proman’s full value-chain integration.
Proman has been committed to Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector for over 30 years, and investing in local start-up company DeNovo represents a sustainable way of increasing gas production at a time of gas shortages in the country. The DeNovo team combines local expertise with global best practice and collaborations.
DeNovo operates off Block 1(a), offshore the west coast of Trinidad and Tobago. Iguana was the first west coast natural gas field to be developed in Trinidad and Tobago, and the first offshore gas development to be completed utilising a local jack up rig. Now, the field consistently delivers 80 million standard cubic feet of gas per day to the Point Lisas Industrial Estate.
local content used in fast-track field development executed in under 3 years
cubic feet of gas delivered on average annually
lost time incidents (LTI) from start up to date
5264 Pacific Avenue
Point Lisas Industrial Estate
Point Lisas
Trinidad and Tobago