Proman USA (Pampa)
Proman USA (Pampa) is a 225 metric ton per day methanol plant in Pampa, Texas which began production in 2015. It is an ISCC certified bio-methanol facility.
Pampa’s plant size and team of highly experienced staff afford Proman the unique opportunity to explore and leverage new technology developments with its partners and suppliers. Examples include an advancement in catalyst technology, adding syngas compression and adding an air inlet exchanger which enabled the facility to increase production by approximately 22%, from 185 to 225 metric tons per day.
This approach has provided the Proman family of companies with invaluable insight into new industry developments, allowing implementation across our larger facilities.
year production began
metric tons of methanol produced annually
8201 FM 2300Pampa, TX 79066
USA PHONE ENQUIRIES +1 806 370 7282 FAX ENQUIRIES +1 806 398 9400