Eurotecnica awarded fifth single-train 60,000 ton/year melamine complex in a row
Milan, Italy – Eurotecnica, the technology arm of the Proman family of companies, a global leader in natural gas derived products and services, announce the award by Yankuang Group of a contract for the licensing, engineering and procurement of the 24th melamine plant based on proprietary Euromel® Technology.
This new project, the fifth in a row with single-train 60,000 ton/year plant capacity, lifts the total licensed nameplate capacity to 860,000 ton/year.
Yankuang Group is one of the largest coal & chemicals corporations in China and this new project features the proven single-reactor arrangement, the traditional total-zero-pollution concept, and incorporates the latest technological improvements for a further reduction of energy consumption.
The project also confirms Euromel® Melamine as the leading melamine technology in Asia, the Middle East and the Americas.